Lessons I Wish Someone Told Me
This list has been compiled from listening to the frustration of others in the workplace and reflecting on lessons I wish someone shared with me.
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1. Check for any hidden areas of pride. God resists the proud gives grace to the humble. Remember to apologize when you are wrong.
2. Asking for help or assistance is not a sign of weakness or incompetence. It is how we establish boundaries and prevent abuse, misuse and delays.
3. Develop a hierarchy in task requests. A request from an immediate superior supersedes the urgent request of anyone else. Clearly and kindly communicate the priority.
4. Listen to understand not to be understood. Refrain from mentally formulating your response in a conversation even if you have heard it before. Aim to absorb concerns or critiques with silence and an open heart. Do not respond until you can turn your response from frustration to solution.
5. Remember body language screams. A sweet accommodating voice attached to angry disgusted eyes will portray you as dishonest and a coward. Be aware and be truthful without the suppressed tantrum. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
6.Straight talk makes for straight understanding. Ask questions until you understand what you are required to do. Express discomfort or confusion immediately, then let it go.
7. Leaving in the middle of a lesson usually means you have to take the lesson over. Know what season you are in.
8. Personal bias and like-ability should never precede performance.
9. "No" or "Not at this time" or"I will let you know" is a preferred response, preventing broken promises.
10. It's OK to delegate. Remember to applaud the work of others.
11. We are all required to do a job which will never include reading minds. Relieve yourself and others of this task.
12. Refrain from signing anything you do not agree with or which makes you uncomfortable regardless of who insists.
13. Enjoy the journey. God promises all things will work in our favor and to our benefit.
And ALL means ALL.